Sunday, April 3, 2011

Do this to find the cheats.

Step 1. Click on the Map icon in the lower left.
Step 2. Click on "Town."
Step 3. Go to the "Gift Shop."
Step 4. Click on the Clothing Catalog in the lower right.

Here's how to find the first Club Penguin cheat.

Step 5. Go to the 1st page in the Catalog.
Step 6. Click on the bucket.

You now have the Viking Helmet cheat!

To find the next cheat, do this:

Step 7.  Stay on the 1st page in the catalog.
Step 8.  Click on and off the bucket four times.

You now have the Blue Viking Helmet cheat!

To find the next cheat, do this:

Step 9. Go to page 3 in the catalog.
Step 10. Click mountain thingy.

You now have the White Cocoa Bunny Costume cheat!

To find the next cheat, do this:

Step 11. Stay on page 3 in the catalog.
Step 12. Click wheel thingy.

You now have the White Cocoa Bunny Ears cheat!

To find the next cheat, do this:

Step 13. Go to page 4 in the catalog.
Step 14. Click on the moon.

You now have the Country Gal cheat!

To find the next cheat, do this:

Step 15. Go to page 5 in the catalog.
Step 16. Click on the bottle.

You now have the Cocoa Bunny Costume cheat!

To find the next cheat, do this:

Step 17. Stay on page 5 in the catalog.
Step 18. Click on the top of the barrel.

You now have the Cocoa Bunny Ears cheat!

To find the next cheat, do this:

Step 19. Go to page 6 in the catalog.
Step 20. Click yellow penguins beak.

You now have the Ocean Blue Hoodie cheat!

To find the next cheat, do this:

Step 21. Go to page 7 in the catalog.
Step 22. Click table leg.

You now have the Blue Flower Sandals cheat!

To find the next cheat, do this:

Step 23. Go to page 14 in the catalog.
Step 24. Click the word "Penguins."

You now have the Blue Buckle-Up cheat!

To find the next cheat, do this:

Step 25. Go to page 16 in the catalog.
Step 26. Click the tree trunk.

You now have the Big White Scarf cheat!

To find the next cheat, do this:

Step 27. Go to page 17 in the catalog.
Step 28. Click on the "F" of Coffee.

You now have the Blue Fuzzy Hat cheat!

To find the next cheat, do this:

Step 29. Stay on 17th page in the catalog.
Step 30. Click on the blue light bulbs.

You now have the Puffle Pullover cheat!

To find the next cheat, do this:

Step 31. Go to the 18th page in the catalog.
Step 32. Click on the yellow puffle.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Club Penguin Field Ops Mission #38

Go to the Epf Room

1. Click On Map
2. Go to the Mine
3. Go to the cave

4. Click at the center Window
5. Play your Field Ops

Rookie Will Message You

New Arcade Game In Club Penguin

As promised, the New Dance Lounge include the new game, Bits & Bolts!

It's awesome to have a new game isn't it? Let me know how you like it, k?

Club Penguin Rookie Is A New Mascot

Woot! Club Penguin has added the Rookie stamp! Check it:

Have you seen him yet? We better get busy and find him. Go, go, go...

Club Penguin New Message From Gary

Check out this Club Penguin message from G:

Woot! Good job everyone! How long do you think everything will return normal? I'm guessing, not long! Ha ha!

Herbert P. Bear Sends New Message

Herbert P. Bear has sent us another message on Club Penguin Here it is:

Ha ha! Now we know what make's "polar bear" angry! Phunnie! Now we can all try to make him mad!

What do you think about him calling Protobot names? Could Protobot stop helping him? Or, will he help us stop Protobot? Hmmm...

Saturday, March 26, 2011

New Message From Protobot

Hello penguins!
We have received a NEW message from the protobot!
Heres the message!

It looks like I was wrong, I thought that Herbert was coming, but I now know for sure he isn't!
Well, what do you think?
Be sure to comment!

Club Penguin Community Helper Reviewed By You

Last week Club Pengun asked us what arcade game we would invent if we could and they were really impressed with all your great suggestions! Here is a re one from A L I C E C:

My dream arcade game would be called Food Shot. You would take your orange puffle with you to this game. The puffle would sit in the middle of a circle, surrounded by different foods. The puffle would shoot foods (wherever you guided it) onto the edge of the circle, making matches of three or more, until the level is clear. There would be second chances if you didn't clear the level.

Cool! Now for next week's Reviewed by You...

Since the recent disasters in places like New Zealand and Japan, lots of you have asked how you can get involved to help. There are many ways to help others in need, so Club Penguin wants to know about a time that you and a friend worked together to help your community?

That's a good question. What have you and your fiends done to help? Let me know.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Is Rookie Going To Be Showned On Club Penguin?

Club Penguin updated their Ultimate Safe Chat, about April Fools!
If you look at the bottom, It's Talking About Rookie.

Club Penguin Free New Purple Propeller Hat

1. Go to the Dock
2. Throw paint balls at the canvas until you paint a treasure chest.
3. A spring will pop up with the Purple Propeller Hat.

Club Penguin April Fools Party Login Screen

Hey guys! Club Penguin has released a new login screen for the April Fools Party! Check it out! It's actually pretty cool.
What do you think about this new login screen? Tell us in the comments below!

White And Yellow Puffle Pins

The White Puffle Pin
Hey guys! Club Penguin has released a new pin in the Book Room! So make sure to waddle over to get your own White Puffle Pin! Check it out!
What do you think about this pin? Tell us in the comments below!
The Yellow Puffle Pin

What do you think about this pin? Tell us in the comments below!

Club Penguin April Fools Day Party Scavenger Hunt 2011

1. To get started, you’ll need to go to the Box Dimension. When you’re in there, click on the item in the center.

2. For the second item, make your way to the Desert Room.

3. For your third item, go to the silly Pencil Room. Click on the giant pencil at the bottom, and wait for it to draw the item.

4. For the next item, go to the Space Room. You must connect the stars with your mouse.

5. To find the 5th item in the hunt, go to the King’s Room. It will be sitting on the king’s pillow.

6. To find this item, go to the Stairs Room and pick up the box.

7. To find the second last item, go to the Soda Room. Make your way to the cage at the very end. I’ll be including a video on how to do this shortly.

8. To find the very last item to claim your prize, go to the Candy Room. Click on the spoon. It will dig it out for you.

Congratulations, you now have the free item!

This is the free item that you just got!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Club Penguin Shows Support For Japan

Hello penguins,
You have probably heard about the horrible tsunami in Japan, just over a week ago.  Many lives were lost in this devastating accident, and Club Penguin wants to show their support for this country.
So, this week, they want you to draw some pictures showing your support for Japan.  Once you’ve done making them, you can go submit them by clicking here.  Some of their favourite pictures will be displayed on the Club Penguin website.  Also, they will be making some “Global Citizenship” posts throughout the week, supporting Japan.  I wish the best of luck to Japan, and hope that they can recover from this terrible accident.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Club Penguin New Orange Puffle Pin

Here is the new Orange Puffle Pin.
This is at the gift shop! It's an awesome Pin isn't it?
1.Go to town
2. Go to Gift Shop
3. Click on Puffle Pin
4. Click Yes
5. Then go to dock
6. Listen really good
7. This is a great edit

Club Penguin April Fools is Comin

Here is a picture that I took of the April fools holiday!

Club Penguin Field Ops #37

Step 1. Click your Spy Gadget.
Step 2. Click "Go there."
Step 3. Click Field Op board. (or click Field Ops on the Spy Gadget)
Step 4. Click "Accept Field-Op."

Step 5. Click your map. 
Step 6. Go to the Mine!
Step 7. Go to Herbert Statue. Your spy gadget light will turn green.
Step 8. Click your spy gadget and click "Engage."
Step 9. Now you can complete the puzzle!
Step 10. If you are a member you can click "Elite Gear" and get something cool! If you are not a member, you can get the EPF earpiece, and then enjoy collecting your badges... and stamps! ;-)
Awesome, another new puzzle! This one gets to be a bit tricky, you may have to do it a bazillion times, but don't worry, you can get it!

When you complete this puzzle you will get this message from G:

I'm lovin all the new puzzles, aren't you?