Tou Ger: developers
Toucool777: tou777
Rowdy Rocky: rocky
30cooper: cooper
Tarzan: 54321
nato: clubpenguin
Crystal: puppy
sweets27: sweets
Kirby 360: kirby
iceberg: angelina
Yorkie beak: annabel38
Oucho93: cbbcbbc
bluez: clouds
Phghl: 12345
tomz: tomz
Robby Rocks2: robby
Riah: sean123
Sentret: pokemonBrittney: britt
Landon8: landon
19apple: apple
Togepi: sonic
Chevy35: chevy
Minimatt: matthewAirplane27: akaairplane27
Redsox256: redsox
Twister360: 12345
They might be banned
If you have more! Comment the penguin's name and password.